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Saturday, 8 September 2007

Impressions, aspirations and thoughts from the panel discussion

As you will all be watching the panel discussion either in real time or later on as an archive, I thought I will post more ad hoc impressions rather than document what is being said. Do join in at some point or another.

Bernd's point about a new era is definitely true. The somewhat random surfing for information is a fad from the past, technology enhanced learning is more about joint knowledge construction and use of the various media for a purpose.

I definitely agree with Gràinne in that our big challenge at the moment is two-fold: to do methodological explorations to find, develop and come up with new/combined methodologies that will be better suited for our research in our current complex settings. We also need to do serious development in the approach to designs for learning so that they would be manageable but at the same time incorporate a variety of multimodal learning affordances.

Uschi said the word that is the key in all learning: learning has to be meaningful for the learners.

This was a VERY good panel discussion! I am leaving so much of the essence out that you'll simply have to watch the recording if you haven't already done so!

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