Welcome to the EUROCALL 2007 Virtual Strand Blog Site

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

EuroCALL 2007 Virtual Strand Workshop

On Tuesday we had the pre-conference workshop for the Virtual Strand.
We tried out all kinds of nice communication tools, such as Blobber and Yaplet for chatting and Blogger, which is also used for this conference blog.
It was great fun to "be the student" and chat with the new tools. And, funnily enough, it seems that the use of chat turns us to teenagers. Or what do you think about this little conversation in yaplet:

A: My history starts with "The Bushmills Inn sounds wonderful and worth the visit".
B: My history is better than yours. Na na na na na.
B: : -)
B: :_)
B: :-)
A: nice try
B: it only took me 3 attempts to get the icon right...


Here are some captured moments of the workshop

Peppi is trying to figure out how to blank our screens (and cut us from the world!) so that she and Lesley can show us something very important.

One of the workshop participants said "we expected to carry an in-depth discussion about CALL issues, but ended up with chatting about the greatness of Irish whiskies", but this picture proves that we only had some water in the room and, alas, no whiskey. :-(

Graham is sharing his ideas on Irish whiskey with the other chatters.

Anna is discovering the delights of yaplet.


Anonymous said...

I like the idea of being turned into a teenager! Among other things it helps us appreciate the appeal of chat and how it might be used to encourage students' productive skills

Penny Coutas said...

I'm so very jealous!! How I would love to be there... maybe next time :)

Meanwhile, I'll be joining you online from Perth, Western Australia.

Rita Meissner said...

Oh, I love reading and surfing in this blog. Go on like this and let us who had to stay at home know how you are ;-)

Rita, Stuttgart

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