Welcome to the EUROCALL 2007 Virtual Strand Blog Site

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Welcome to EuroCALL 2007's Virtual Strand Blog!

The shape of the Virtual Strand
The shape of the EuroCALL 2007 Virtual Strand
(click on the image to enlarge it)
This blog is where you can read about what's happening at the conference in Coleraine this year, as well as posting your own impressions of the conference and discussing the topics that arise on the blog. Here, you'll find:
  • reports and reflections concerning presentations and social events during the conference. These may be text, audio or photographic entries, depending on what our dedicated conference bloggers wish to upload to the blog.
  • the Blobber* chat tool which is accessed from the four tabs on the right side of this page. You can use this tool to text chat with each other in real time.
The Virtual Strand's Website is where you'll find the presentation schedules for and links to:
  • streamed and archived versions of plenary presentations
  • online papers
If you prefer to talk to other Virtual Strand delegates in deferred time (asynchronously), there is a Virtual Strand discussion list. Just access the discussion list from the Virtual Strand's website and follow the instructions to join it.

If you have any technical problems with the Virtual Strand, please contact the HelpDesk via the link on the website. Please remember, though, that the HelpDesk will not be able to help you if it is your internet connection that is causing difficulty!

We hope you will enjoy your visit to the Virtual Strand of EuroCALL 2007!
*Blobber requires Windows and Internet Explorer 5.5 or above.
Online presentation sessions will employ Blobber.

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